Graphics Request
I.Do not request from us if you have already requested form another site. This is disrespectful to the designer
II.Please include a High Quality picture you would like to use. If it is Low Quality,
the designers would not use it.
III.You must use the graphic once it is ready for pick- up
IV.Please don’t rush the designers. They have their lives too. Please wait at least a week and a half for your request. Three weeks would be the max you have to wait.
V.Provide us a valid URL for your fanfic and picture you would like us to use.
VI.Remember to credit us in your fanfic once you have picked up your graphic. Please don’t claim the work yours.
VII.If you have to cancel your request, please give an acceptable explanation.
VIII.Do not change anything on the graphic once you have picked it up.
IX. We would immediately hand your request to another designer if the designer you requested is unavailable.
X.Your request would be in the pending list. Please wait at most five days from the day you have requested for your request to be on the pending list.
XI.Last but not least, if you don’t follow the rules, you would receive major consequences for example getting blacklisted or so.
Review Request
I.Please be patient with us, don’t rush us. We have our own lives too. Your reviews would be ready to be picked up in a week and a half of at most a month.
II.Your story has to be at least 4 chapters long to request for a review, the only exception for this rule is when you are requesting for a one-shot review.
III.Reviewers might be harsh but it is because we believed that you could do better.
IV.Please don’t hate or get mad at us if you received a bad review.
V.Please post your review in your next chapter as soon as you it is ready to be pick up. Remember to credit us for it.
VI.Please provide us with a valid and working URL for your story.
VII.Please give an acceptable explanation if you have to cancel your request.
VIII.If the reviewer you requested isn’t available to finish your request, we would immediately hand it over to another reviewer.
IX.Please follow these rules. Its best for everybody. Rule breakers would receive major consequences for example getting black listed.
X.Last but not least, your request would be on the pending list. Please check the pending list for your request. Please be patient, your request would be on the pending list at most in five days time. Remember to tag us once you receive your review and please be patient.
Title: /5
Poster/Background: /10
Forewords: /10
Plot: /15
Creativity/Originality: /10
Flow: /10
Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: /10
Characterization: /10
Writing Style: /10
Overall Enjoyment: /5
Bonus: /5
Total: /100
Trailer Request
I.Please do not request from us if you have requested a trailer for the same fanfic from another site.
II.Please be patient with the trailer makers. Please wait for at least a month for your request. Please be patient. We would inform you once your request is done.
III. Do not rush them; they have their own lives too.
IV. You must use it once it’s done. Please respect them; they have put a lot of work and effort to finish your request. V.You must provide a working URL for your story.
VI. Please obey the rules, if you don’t you might receive major consequences for example getting black- listed.
VII.Last but not least, please remember to credit us and tag us once you have picked up your request. Please wait for at most a month for your request. Please check that your request is on the pending list. Please be patient, your request would be on the pending list at most in five days.